<aside> ✨ Cool Stuff is available on desktop and iPhone.

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Collect your internet 🪐

As we travel down the information superhighway, we occasionally stumble across unique zones of genius – stops along the internet we want to remember, to revisit, to share with one another. It could be an insightful article, a great piece of design, or a life-changing recipe. Whatever it is, it stands out and means something to you, with value beyond the here and now.

Many of us collect these things in a mish-mash of ways. You might email yourself a link to check out later. Text or Slack it to yourself. Take a screenshot as a reminder. Leave the tab idling for years. Or scribble a note in some dark corner on your phone, never to be seen again. Because who knows when it might come in handy?

But before you know it, this stuff becomes another mess to manage.

That's where Cool Stuff comes in.

Cool Stuff is your best of the net. Your hitchhiker's guide. Your design reference; your lifestyle inspiration. Your to-read-and-watch-later list. It's whatever cool stuff looks like to you.

Save the cool stuff you find on the web. Available on desktop and iPhone.

Save the cool stuff you find on the web. Available on desktop and iPhone.

Cool Stuff intercepts our chaotic, unfiltered digital collecting by creating a home for it all – an easy way to save whatever you're into with nothing more than a click.

And when you need it again, it's right there. Automatically tagged and beautifully browsable, ready for you to dive back into, to rediscover, and to share however you like.

Intentionally limited design 💎

Many of the tools available for collecting your interests and inspirations – like Pinterest, Arena, even Savee – demand a lot of their users. They're focused on curation and organization, asking you to upload and sort; to create tags, labels, folders, collections; to network and promote. The more work you put in, the more useful they get. That's the idea, anyways.

Cool Stuff is not that. We believe in simple, no-nonsense software that's fun to use. There's no social. No ads. No algorithms. No managing-your-stuff. It's not after your attention; it doesn't hang over you like a job to do. It's something more casual and relaxed.

We call this philosophy, “Anti-features. Pro-fun.” But really it's about keeping things light and elegant. By focusing solely on the most universal and content-rich feature of the internet – links – we've been able to design Cool Stuff around three core actions: save, search, and share.

<aside> ✔️ Save cool stuff

Found something cool? Just save the link and you're good to go.


<aside> 🔍 Search cool stuff

Every link you save to your Cool Stuff is automatically tagged with extensive and descriptive terms. So when you need to find something again, all you need is search.

Search gets smarter over time as it learns more about what you like and what you look for, returning increasingly relevant results. We're also working on ways to surface content more intuitively – such as cast and crew displayed alongside movies, or ingredients for recipes – as well as recommendations and discovery.
